Knowing These 8 Secrets Will Make Your Kyto Fit Keto Look Amazing

 Kyto Fit Keto  The study to which I refer involved gathering information from a field of subjects in 3 different categories:

1) weight loss maintainers (3 years)

2) weight loss regainers

3) stable obese - no weight loss achieved

The goal of the study was to ascertain what factors made the difference between these 3 groups.

What's different about those who KEPT the weight off from those who regained - from those who never were able to lose weight?

The Primary Focus

This was not an attempt to be an exhaustive study. Rather, the researchers hoped to find some common element among the "maintainers" that would provide valuable feedback as to why these particular were able to more successfully maintain their weight loss than the regainers. Or the "stable obese".

Health Or Beauty?

They uncovered some interesting - and useful - information regarding the motivation of the "maintainers" and the "regainers".

Revealed was some interesting - and useful - information regarding the motivation of the "maintainers" and the "regainers".

[ Ref: Int J of Obesity. 2000 Volume 24, # 8, Pages 1018-1025. The correlates of long-term weight loss: a group comparison study of obesity. J Ogden]

The Focus Of The Study Questionnaire:

In order to ascertain motivating factors for the subjects in the study, the questionnaire was developed to assess beliefs about the consequences of obesity.

The subjects rated a series of items to  Kyto Fit Keto reflect the extent to which they believed they were consequences of obesity. That list included:

medical concerns (joint problems, heart disease, stomach cancer, bowel cancer, diabetes;

psychological considerations (depression, anxiety, phobias, low self-esteem, lack of confidence;

motivations for weight loss relating to the following:

(a) health (be healthier, live longer)

(b) attractiveness (be more attractive, be Kyto Fit Keto able to wear nice clothes, feel more confident about the way I look)

(c) confidence (increase my self-esteem, like myself more, feel better about myself)

(d) symptom relief (feel less breathless, feel more energetic, feel more agile)

(e) external pressure (please my family partner, please my friends, please my doctor;
